Help! Parties are My Weakness!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
My social calendar is full this month with Halloween parties, a reunion and even a belated birthday soiree. While I'm excited to see my friends and catch up on what's going on in our increasingly busy lives, I'm also slightly dreading all those parties.
My weakness is house parties. I'm a fidgety person and an anxious social drinker/eater, so when I'm standing in front of a bowl of snacks (like my friend Holly's irresistible roasted pecans with sugar and rosemary), I nosh nervously. I also tend to drink faster than I should, whether it's wine, seltzer or punch. It's not that I want to overimbibe. I just need something to do with my hands.

I've got some good strategies in place: Drink club soda or water, fill my plate with veggies, etc, but I'm always looking for more.

When you're at a cocktail party or other social gathering where the food and drink are free flowing and seemingly never-ending, how do you resist? Please, share your tips!